Making the Workplace More Human

Stela Lupushor is on a mission to humanize the workplace. She consults with the Conference Board’s Fortune 500 corporations members on rethinking workplace strategies. She leads Reframed.Work Incorporated, and consults on how to create inclusive workplaces, the use of technology, human centered design, people analytics and future thinking. In 2018 Stella founded Amazing Community, a nonprofit that expands the work horizon for women 45-plus. She has transformed the workplace at the intersection of technology analytics and human resources at Fidelity Investments, TIAA, IBM Price Waterhouse and PwC Consulting and their clients.  Here’s an edited version of the audio interview you can hear in its entirety and subscribe at

LS: Stella tell us about your work with reframe.

SL: I [had worked] in management consulting with organizations to help them transform their IT infrastructure, think of a different way to improve processes or service delivery models or come up with new strategies. (more…)