Publishing, Healthcare and Ghosts

Author Elizabeth Splaine has had several lives: hospital administrator, opera singer, vocal coach, audiobook narrator and writer. As a guest on my podcast Embark, we talked about her latest novel Devil’s Grace, the healthcare system, unexplained phenomenon and the power of forgiveness. If you’re looking for a summer read, check out Devil’s Grace. In the meantime, get to know Elizabeth a little better as I pose five questions following our recorded conversation.  (more…)

Speaking Gigs, Humor and TMI

The ultimate multitasker and ‘parallel’ entrepreneur, Bobbie Carlton is an award-winning marketing and PR professional and founder of Innovation women. Often called ‘Boston’s Innovation Den Mother’ and ‘the Startup Fairy Godmother,’ Bobbie’s on a mission to introduce women speakers to more audiences and change the dynamic of the ‘manel,’ the all male speakers panel. We spoke last week on my  Embark podcast.  She graciously answered a few more questions here.  (more…)

How to Make a Profit without Selling Your Soul

Ean Price Murphy is a business owner, business coach and Certified Profit First™ Professional. She enjoys sharing her perspectives on small business, bookkeeping and the strategies companies can use to better manage cash flow and maximize profit. We shared an insightful, entertaining and fun conversation last week on my Embark podcast. Here are five more questions for Ean. (more…)

Gender Identity, Social Justice and the Media: Five Questions for Lyralen Kaye

Lyralen is passionate about social justice. Their work as an actor, educator, activist and writer supports the same vision: truth in storytelling and equality for all people. They are also the show runner at Another Country Productions.

One reviewer of their work says “…[Lyralen] takes up so many difficult topics with such a strong sensitivity, finesse and power and at the same time makes you want to both laugh and cry.” We spoke on my Embark podcast last week about her groundbreaking web series Assigned Female at Birth. They answer a few more questions here. (more…)

Rise Above Noise: Strategic Email Marketing with Susan Finn

Susan Finn believes marketing is an act of service to those who are currently searching for exactly what you offer. She focuses on helping clients create a list growth to build and email strategy that feels generous while it attracts, nurtures and converts subscribers. Susan generously shared her wisdom and experience as a guest on my Embark podcast last week. Here are answers to five questions I posed. (more…)